Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Way back in May of 2006, I was shocked to find out I was having a daughter. I still find myself shocked sometimes. Not all the time...just when I'm faced with "girlie" duties.

I thought I'd have some time. I thought it would be a while before the differences between a boy and a girl really reared its ugly head.

But no. I have spawned a hairy beast. Not really. She is actually delightfully hairy. Only on her head. With some extra sprinkled above her eyes. Not on her back or shoulders. A little on her bum. Not much...but a little.

Her hair is fine and soft and staticky. And in her eyes. At 5 months. 5 months, people. It's like God is playing a practical joke on me. I can't do my own I'm responsible for keeping it out of someone else's face?

So you can see above my first attempts to ponytail Lily's hair. It sucks. In a word. She hates being pinned down...the rubberbands are the size of a hangnail, which somehow I'm supposed to fit around my fat fingers and twist a few time around a squirmy fine-haired baby. Yea, right. This from a woman who still owns her hair dryer from high school...because I use it just that frequently. If I do nothing, it hangs in stringy bits in front of her eyes...making it look like I just picked up a homeless child out of a dumpster. Combine this with the fact I only manage to bathe my kids once a get the idea.

-sigh- I love you, Lily...but would you mind it terribly much if Mommy just shaved your head?


Erin said...

This is my favorite post ever. I am in love with Lily's hair. That bow up-do made me laugh out loud at my computer screen. She is hilariously cute.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Nice job Giselle. She may be destined to live her life with an extra pony tail holder on each wrist...and that's ok. At least Andrew looks amused!

Mira Mesa Denizen said...

Hi Gigi...I mean Giselle,

This is Elizabeth, your childhood friend. My mum passed along your blog link and I love it so far! I haven't had much time to read it but now I have it bookmarked and will be able to keep up with what is going on in your life.

I guess being able to do hair is not a genetic trait, because one thing I remember clearly is always being jealous of you because your mom could do such fantastic french braids. My mum, on the other hand, would make these limp, ugly looking braids, which (much to my relief) fell out in less than five minutes.

It's sometimes odd for me to see pictures of Lily and Andrew because it seems like just yesterday that we were playing house. Though come to think of it, you always wanted to be the mom :-)



Kelsey said...

I love the new do! I can't believe that Lily has more hair than Harper. Sheesh! At least Lily isn't old enough to clasp her hands over her head and scream at you that she doesn't want her hair up, um, not that I would have any personal experience with that.

Laura said...

Lily's hair is so darned cute- she looks adorable with her girly bows. Good job!
Please do not be tempted to cut her hair anytime soon! Work with it and pull it back, it looks like it grows pretty fast. If you get her bangs cut, you're just asking for major maintainance!
You're doing a great job with "the girly stuff!" What happy kids!