Tuesday, March 27, 2007

We have roll-off...

First of all...how cute is Lily in pigtails???

Second of all...Lily rolled over!!! From tummy to back!!! She actually did it the first time yesterday, but she just did it again...so now I know she has figured it out.

See, when I posted that picture of Andrew at 5 1/2 months old, I realized that he rolled over just before he turned 6 months old. How is it even possible that my little wiggle worm was going to be out-rolled by her lazy brother? Perhaps because her mother never puts her on her tummy. That's right, people. I'm a loser mother. I was pretty good with Andrew, and I am terrible with Lily. About tummy time, that is. So after realizing that I was stunting Lily's development, I immediately put her on her tummy yesterday morning (much to her dismay. Lily, I will have you know, has NO problem with the lack of tummy time). Her response to the torture...she rolled herself over. She was as shocked as I was. Couldn't repeat it...mostly because she was so IRATE that I dared to turn her back to her tummy...and just after she had miraculously flipped over.

But she given me a repeat performance...so it must be true. My baby is on her way to growing up. And she does it so effortlessly. Watching Andrew trying to roll over was like watching a beached whale try to get back into the sea. Lily just flips like she's been doing it her whole life. Or she screams with her face buried into the floor. That's actually what happens most of the time.

Gotta love her...stinkin' cutie pie.

BTW...we have had a mass birth in the last few hours. Our tank is filled with teeny tiny baby fish. They are hiding in the rocks at the bottom of the tank. Is that good enough to keep them safe? I've watched a few dumb babies swim around in the open water and get gulped. I've also scooped out 4 babies and put them in a bowl. What do I do with these itty bitty baby fish now? Do I feed them? Do I change their water frequently? How is it that I can be trusted to raise 2 HUMAN babies, but I am completely clueless as to how to care for baby fish? Please don't call social services. Doesn't my baby look well fed and happy?


Andrea said...

She is SOOOO cute!!!! I wish I could see her RIGHT NOW!!!

Kate said...

You could take them back to the pet store. Apparently they are the experts. Maybe they can take the to the open sea and free willies.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Lily! I suspect Lily will do many things on the sly. Second children do that. Love the pigtails!

Anonymous said...

Those cheeks are just waiting for kisses. Here I come Lily. Watch out!!

Kelsey said...

Lily officially has more hair than Harper! What a sweetie!