Monday, January 14, 2008

There will be light...

Since I found out about Baby #3, I've been dreading summer 2008. I felt bad for Andrew especially, because there would be no pool, no Sesame Place, nothing. Just Mama, baby sister, and baby brother taking naps, watching TV, desperately trying to make the days pass. I just couldn't fathom how the 3 of us would do anything fun.

But today I signed Andrew up for summer camp. It is for 6 weeks this summer, and gives me great hope for him. A fellow mother told me about it last Friday, and I've been feeling a bit lighter around the shoulders ever since. 3 weeks of nothingness after his school ends. 6 weeks of camp. Then vacation with my folks. And 3 more weeks of nothingness until school starts again. I'm not worried about 3 weeks of nothingness at a time. Even lame-o me can entertain a kid that long. While he's at camp, he'll be running around with new friends, doing arts and crafts that Mommy will have no energy to do, and making memories that will exceed the "found another bug in the backyard" that I had planned for this summer. And while he's at camp, perhaps I will be able to spend some quality one-on-one time with my darling daughter. More likely, it will just give me time to teach her all about "time-outs" and other fun 2 year old discipline prep, but whatever.

-sigh- I had no idea how much I was worried about June, July, and August, until I found this little something for us to do. Maybe I could even take the babies for a walk while he's there in the morning! Oh! The possibilities are endless!


Erin said...

Hey, that is AWESOME. That will really help you out. When Emmett was born, we still sent Calum to his babysitter about half the time. We had to pay her anyway (by contract... she's making a living and all...), and he got to play with other kids, etc. It was a sanity saver.

Kelsey said...

Andrew will love it. Harper doesn't start preschool until next week, and I'm already worried to her adjusting to full time life at home with Littlest and I for the summer!