Thursday, January 29, 2009

That's O-Kay!

Cute Lily pictures!

Here's Lily's closest face to a smile. She is playing with Lampchop, Crunchy, and Memere.
Lampchop and Crunchy are my mom's latest attempt to bring me to the brink of insanity. Lily wants to play CONSTANTLY.
Lily showing off her WAY cool Cookie Monster hair ties.

Lily doing some private business.

If you can catch it, Lily says, "That's o-kay"...which is her mantra when she spills anything. Which happens about 1,000 times each day. And then she says, "Leave me alone." Because, if you recognize the outfit from above...she is doing some private business.


d e v a n said...


Courtney said...

Ha! How cute!

Anonymous said...

Really it's driving you crazy to play with Lamb Chop and Crunchy? But she loves it. Lamb Chop and Crunchy can get her to do anything. Guess you'll have to trade in your MIL (castle) and your Mom.

Michelle said...

I MUST know where you got the cookie monster hair ties! Katie LOVES ookie onsta (and she says it in the deepest and most gruff voice)!