I can hardly believe that it has only been a week since we packed up the car and headed back here to PA. I swear, the last week was 15 days long instead of the usual 7. I SWEAR. I had 16 days in Ohio with other adults keeping me company during the day, playing games with my children, going interesting and fun places every day (almost), doing the food preparation, clean up, and just general commiseration at the antics of my 3 children. It is so...restorative to have someone else to roll your eyes at when the 2 year old throws a fit when you serve her the very food she's been whining to get for the last 20 minutes.
Anyhoo...we've had a week of adjustment. For me...holy CRAP it is lonely to be a stay at home mom. For the kids...holy CRAP, Mom is a lazy son of a monkey who doesn't want to entertain us every minute of every day. For Jeff...holy CRAP, the house is friggin' LOUD and WHINY and EMOTIONAL when I'm not a bachelor. It didn't help that the beginning of the week was slow (no school Mon or Tues) and rainy and cold and Michael came down with some kind of high fever so we couldn't really socialize with anyone. -sigh- But the last few days of the eternal week were quite nice, filled with sunshine and bike riding and antibiotics. Tomorrow is Monday again and it is supposed to be in the 40s and raining again. -sigh-
Being away from home and routine for so long really changes you. Like, I was taking so many pictures that now whenever Lily is nice to Michael she says, "Take a pit-cher, Mommy? Of Mikey and me?" I have a whole new appreciation for my dog after 2 weeks of cleaning up crumbs off the floor in Ohio. No WONDER I don't wash my floor as much as other people...I have a mini clean up crew. Hence the rotting teeth. And school? It was like retraining Lily to drop off and pick up Andrew...such a struggle again this week. But our toys are like NEW. Awesome. But playing with the kids...yikes. I set a timer for myself to play with Lily...10 minutes was all. I thought my brain was melting from boredom. 10 minutes! I really have to build up my tolerance again.
Lordy...this is a boring post. I shall try to be inspired. Take note of the cute antics of my children. And all that crap. Instead of hiding in the bathroom counting the minutes until Jeff gets home.
That is so true about the dog! When Spencer is gone for even a few hours to the groomers, I am amazed at how dirty the floor becomes after mealtime! Who knew that a little 20 pound dog could eat so much?!
Sorry to hijack. I totally understand!
God, I love you. And know that I, too, am a lazy son of a monkey!
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