Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The pictures...Part 5 of ?

Okay, these are totally out of order...but I am sick and tired of trying to download these 5 at a time and figure out what order they will be in. So use your imagination...

Andrew enjoying Michael's birthday cake
Lily enjoying Michael's birthday cake

Michael not enjoying his own birthday cake. He was quite disgusted by the icing. Wha???

Looking desperately around for someone to save him from the vile cake. Again, I say, WHA? I am beginning to wonder if they switched babies at the hospital or something.

Michael's birthday cake. I told you these were out of order...deal with it. I'm good at making cute babies, NOT at making cute organized blogs.
Michael had a lot of help opening his gifts. He didn't seem to mind. I have a LOT of these types of shots. I think 20 at least. Which happens for every holiday and birthday. Like I really need multiple still shots of a kid unwrapping. Think I'll ever learn?

Michael wearing his "Look Who is 1!" shirt. Actually, it was Andrew's first...so it is size 18 months. Michael is BARELY a size 12 month. Tee hee hee...

Andrew was pooped out, and fell asleep under the dining room table. Can't fall asleep on a 9 hour car ride, but face down on the hard floor...maybe I should strap him to the top of the car and see if he'd sleep...

At a park...where I almost had a heart attack watching my 2 older kids climbing on a train. Have I mentioned I have a problem with heights? Apparently that applies to watching my offspring on heights as well.

Lily posing with her easter dying kit. This is before the 2 MAJOR tantrums. Who knew that running out of eggs to dye could be so traumatic?

Andrew giving us his creepy look as he shows off his mad egg dying skills. Looks like a mug shot of some really evil dude. I have other shots with this pose that I chose not to share with you all. Sc-ar-y

Michael doing what he does best...emptying.

Back in Cinci now (I told you these were out of order). At Sharon Wood Nature Center. You Cinci folk had better check it out...it is great for little kids. This shot is of a tunnel of fish and turtles just Mike's size.
In the same building as the nature center was a play area for kids. Tunnels, slides, ball pit, and an entire village of pretend play places. Mike was wanted for being excessively cute.

Well, he got to go to "the" restaurant in Ribs Land (what Andrew calls Cinci sometimes)

But he was so sad that Daddy had to miss it.

Luckily, Pepere let him take it back to eat at home. Andrew talked to his Dad and said, "I ate 5 ribs and then got 3 cookies. So it was a good day for me." I'm thinking it is getting expensive to feed this kid...5 ribs???

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