Friday, April 17, 2009

Michael's favorite person

Well, I was watching Andrew ride a bike out the front window with Lily when I heard Mike laughing uncontrollably in the kitchen. Yes, I had left him alone in his high chair. So what else is new? And, yes, he was feeding the dog. He missed her so much. Enjoy my Michael's giggles.

My mom's birthday was on Tuesday, and Lily called her in the morning and sang her Happy Birthday very sweetly. It was on key and perfect. My camera was out of batteries, so this is a bit delayed. Despite the ragged hair, this is actually Lily, not some ragamuffin that we picked up off the street as a charity case. The first version of the song (on the phone with my mom) was much louder and much cuter....and I suspect even made my mom teary eyed. But you get the idea. This time she was much more concerned with getting to see the final result than actually performing. -sigh- Take what you can get.


Elizabeth said...

My favorite clip ever! I can't believe how adorable Michael is. Priceless!

Kelsey said...

I love how enthusiastically Michael is throwing his food to the dog - hilarious!

Lily is too sweet.