Saturday, November 05, 2011

Beautiful day, crummy night

We had a lovely day.  Lovely.  Andrew had his first basketball clinic in the morning, which he loved.  He loved basketball last year, and this year looks to be no different.  The littles and I played with playdoh, read books, did the dishes and laundry, and generally bummed around.  Once Jeff and Andrew got home, we ate lunch, Michael refused to nap for the 2nd day in a row, and we went to a great park.  Andrew rode his bike while Jeff and I took turns racing after him, and the littles played on the playset.

We came back home and I read a book while Jeff baked with the littles.  All three kids played together nicely.  We had homemade sausage-vegetable soup while the kids happily munched on their pigs in a blanket.

And then Andrew left the dinner table and announced he was freezing.  He huddled under a blanket on the couch for the next hour.  He started complaining that his throat hurt and his nose turned on like a faucet.  It happened in 30 minutes...from perfectly fine to shaking and complaining under a blanket.

So I guess tomorrow's plans are shot.  Church (I'm teaching Andrew's Sunday school class), last soccer game, dinner and football with friends.  All down the drain if he is sick...except for the me teaching Sunday school.

As excited as I am to be eating soup for dinner...this part of winter I'm not ready for.  Chain sickness sucks.

1 comment:

CARRIE said...

I hate it when everything is wonderful and then in short order everyone is feeling crummy. Sucks indeed.

I guess the only good thing is it happened the day before so you have time to adjust your expectations. I REALLY hate it when that happens first thing in the morning when you are already emotionally geared up for the day.