Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Big Mama bites the dust

Oh.  How my throat hurts.  And my ears are clogged.  And my nose is quickly starting to feel like a lead weight on my sinus cavity.

And now begins my least favorite part of being a stay-at-home mother.  Meal producing, fight mediating, homework wrassling, activity planning, care taking, mess cleaning...all while feeling like CRAP.  No sick days for moms.  No naps.  No nursing back to health.  Just quick sips of super hot tea in between normal activities.

I can't imagine how I got sick ;P  Sunday night, I was up with sick-o kids at 10:30, 1:00, 4:00, and 5:15.  Last night I was up with sick kids at 11:30 and 1:45 and 5:15.  They are fine during the day, I'll have you know.  They just couldn't believe I hadn't succumbed to the virus yet, and wanted to collectively beat down my immune system.

Mission accomplished. 


Kelsey said...

Oh I hope you feel better soon! That is THE WORST part of the stay-at-home gig, by far. Sending healing vibes...

Heather said...

Hope you are quickly on the mend!

CARRIE said...

The pay is bad, but the lack of sick days is just the absolute WORST!! Feel better soon!