Friday, November 04, 2011

The hike

A hike.  That's all we want.  Jeff and I want to enjoy the crisp fall air, crunch a few leaves, see some beautiful views, work our muscles a bit.

But unfortunately, we had to bring these guys with us.  (Good thing they are cute)

 Actually, that isn't a fair statement.  Andrew is delightful to bring on hikes.  He points out woodpeckers and blue jays.  He picks up different nuts and leaves and asks questions.  He tell us stories from school and asks questions about why some people have more money than others.  He never once complains.  He loves hiking just like Jeff and I.

 And, actually, Michael is very fun also.  He charges forward and collects stuff...sticks, rocks, nuts.  He wanders perilously close to the edge of the path and chatters and stomps so loudly that no wildlife would possibly stay within a 1 mile radius of us.  He occasionally asks to be carried, and eagerly munches on our granola bars, but then announces that his muscles got more energy and he's ready to walk again.  He is a powerhouse of energy and just loves being outdoors and the freedom to run away from us without reprimand.
 And then there is this one.
 Little Miss "I'll dress myself for hiking".  Running ahead for the first 100 yards, and then constantly whining and dragging her feet for the entire rest of the 90 minute hike.  Being carried so much her daddy's back hurt the next week (he spoils her).  Hunching her shoulders and claiming she is going to perish on the path.  Desperately hungry.  Horribly thirsty.  Alternating between sobbing and whining.  Unable to enjoy even a glimpse of nature or the animals that she supposedly loves.  Finally, after torturing us and herself for the entire time, she spies a hill and a squirrel and starts running at top speed after it for at least a quarter of a mile. 
I mean, I love her.  She is darling and sweet.  But, Lord, I hate hiking with her.  She is miserable.  She makes us miserable.


She went trick-or-treating longer than either of the boys.  She walked well over 1/2 mile to fill her loot bag.  No complaining.  No slowing down.  No whining or crying.  It was a pleasure.

So I think the next time we go hiking, I'm going to give her a sack and then stick a treat in her bag every once in a while.  We'll see if it works...


Anonymous said...

Man - I understand what you went through. We live near the woods and take walks pretty often. I don't know how many times I've had meltdowns based on my kids whining and 'carry me' screams and whines. Just this week we did it. My 3 year old whined and wanted to be carried the whole time (and wanted it to be me instead of her dad who was willing to) and my 7 year old whined that he wanted to be carried (too big) and sulked. Finally, when we came to an area where they got off the path and had some adventure crossing downed trees and streams, they were happy. My son led my dauther through it all and let go of all the bickering they've been going through for a while now.

Fun fun stuff!!


CARRIE said...

Women love their chocolate. Too funny!