Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The reason to become a mother

Sometimes, you get spontaneous songs like the one below. Lily sang it to me this morning at breakfast, out of the blue, and I asked her to repeat it tonight once Jeff got home.

In case you aren't fluent in "Toddlereze", she is singing, "I love my mommy" and at the end she says, "Thank you everybody."


Astarte said...

Oh, my GOD. I could eat her up! Look at her over there!!!

Anonymous said...

You are killing me here. Can't wait to see the kids. I don't want Lily to grow up. She's just too cute.

Emily said...

OH! Too precious! How is it that the same little beings can be SO DARN SWEET and then SO DARN MISERABLE in the same hour? Poor 2 year olds...they must be an emotional mess inside.

Joanne said...

That is too adorable! I love the little "thank you everybody" at the end. What a sweetie!

Michelle said...

THAT IS AWESOME! I love it!!! How cute to have! Good girl Lily!

Kate said...

YAY! She's so cute-- and I love how someone else needs a piece of the limelight, too!