Sunday, June 06, 2010

SSC Week 2 plan

The days are going to be switched up a bit, since I'll be watching someone else's kids Tuesday...but Whatev! It's my schedule ;)

Make it Monday: Envelope birds (making paper birds out of extra envelopes...found it in a craft book)

Tuesday Nature: Take a nature hike and collect stuff. Come home and paste it onto a disc of paper to make a woodland crown

Wet Wednesday: Shaving cream! Give each kid a pile of the stuff and play. Rinse off in the baby pool

Take a Trip Thursday: Trenton airport to have a picnic and watch planes. Michael's dream come true...or his worst nightmare realized. Time will tell.

Feast Friday: Sand and mud pudding. Layer vanilla pudding/crushed vanilla wafers/chocolate pudding/crushed Oreos in a clean/new flower pot.

Also this week: a huge trip to BJs is needed, a trip to the dollar store to shop for craft/activity supplies, a trip to the library to exchange the God awful CD's and books that we borrowed last week...we will go to our regular library because I have a book on hold waiting for me (yay!), Andrew's end of the year party at the park is Friday afternoon, so Mikey needs to take an early nap to prepare for that. Plus the watching my friends 3 kids Tuesday morning/afternoon while she has some appointments. And playgroup Friday will probably end up at my house this week, so there will be frantic cleaning and prep for that.

1 comment:

Aunt Sara said...

I've seen the mud pudding with gummy worms coming out of it. Have a fun week!