Thursday, June 10, 2010

Work it...Woooooork it....

I can hear you all the way over here in PA..."Oh! Great! Another exercise post..." But wait! I just spelled exercise correctly my first try...I have truly turned over a new leaf.

To be clear, I am not one of those people trying to get back into shape. I have never BEEN in shape in my life.

I never did sports as a kid. Not a single t-ball or soccer game in my past. I was in gymnastics for one session...I vividly remember falling flat on my face off the uneven bars. I was on a church softball team one year in high school...Lou's Lambs. Lou being our pastor of the church Good Shephard. Cheesy. In elementary school, the gym teacher actually called my parents to tell them that I ran wrong...something was wrong with me.

My feet ached my entire childhood. Anytime I would walk a long distance or jump around or whatever, my feet would ACHE that night. It has always been hard to explain...I liken it to what I imagine arthritis must feel like. Not muscular, not sharp pain, just an all-encompassing ache.

In high school, I took Individual Sports (bowling) and Outdoor Recreation(fishing). And completed my PE requirements at the same time.

I am a quitter. I am lazy. I am a perfectionist that doesn't try anything so that I don't fail. I don't push myself to do anything. I am happy with how I am. I am not cute in work-out clothes. I breathe like an emphysemic bulldog and my cheeks turn bright red. I am a self-defeatist.

But I'm doing it. And by "it", I mean this website. Nothing earth shattering, but I thought I liked the idea of eventually being able to get my exercise with a quick run and I like to be outside. I wrote to a few friends for advice and encouragement. And I started.

And I'm still doing it.

A friend that is a runner gave me the best advice...just get out the door and it will happen. She loves running, and still has a hard time getting out the door. So I am not to feel bad about myself because I'm dreading it...just get out the door. And so every morning, that is my goal. Just get out the door.

I run in the wee hours of the morning. Like out the door by 5:15. But Jeff leaves for work at 6:15 am, so I have to get up, warm up, get it done, get showered all before he leaves. Sounds awful, doesn't it?

But I LOVE it. Not the running. Not the bulldog breathing or the aching muscles or the plodding along. The morning. I love the peaceful quiet. I love that the only living thing who has to listen to me are the rabbits. And, boy howdy, I have a new appreciation for just how many rabbits we have here in Our Town, PA. I love the cool crisp air and I love watching the sky turn pink and orange as the sun comes up. I love the feeling of accomplishment I have the rest of the day.

But for the record...NOT the running part. But I'm getting better...seeing improvements in my body, in my recovery after each run. And I'm starting to love that as well. This is something new for me. And this program is amazing...because it has taken someone like me, with literally no fitness background...and it is easing me in so gradually that I haven't gotten injured, I'm not in pain, I have actually been able to do it. Which fills me with pride and accomplishment.

Lame. Right now I'm up to week 4 of the program. That's basically 5 and 3 minute jogs with smaller times of walking in between. This is the first week that I'm running more than I'm walking. I was scared. But I did it! I did it! I did it!

So now I've just got to keep doing it...

(BTW...not that it matters, because it isn't part of my goal...but after 5 weeks of regular exercise I've lost exactly 0 pounds. Zero. But it doesn't matter, because that isn't my focus. But Pregnancy induced bulimia and horrific dental issues remain the only way I've ever lost weight.)


Joanne said...

Not lame at all to be excited about this! I wish I could stick to it like you are!

Katie B. said...

Good for you, G!

And for the record I took exactly those same "gym" classes in high school. I remember many hours spent tying flies, and "canoeing" in the pond by Cornell Rd.

d e v a n said...


Andrea said...

Huh, I took those gym classes too! And now I feel lame for not working out like my sisters!

CARRIE said...

Don't worry about the scale. I bet you'll find your clothes fit differently. Inches are more important than weight.

Kate said...

Listen to Carrie. Took me 2 1/2 months before I lost ANY weight. And I still weigh 150 as a size 8. Crazy. That's muscle, sis!

Anonymous said...

Go you! And no matter what happens the rest of the day, you've accomplished something already...that's a great feeling :)

nicole said...

Yea you! I can appreciate your feelings on running. I don't like it while I'm doing it, but the results are amazing. I'm actually looking forward to getting to exercise again, once I get the all clear from the doctor (had a baby six weeks ago).

Cynthia said...

Way to go! Keep at it. I started the same program in March, and have since ran 2 5Ks, with my third scheduled for next week. And, I'm even training for a 10K in Sept.! So, if I can do this (and I hate running), you can to (because I love the results)!