We were driving home from...I can't remember...somewhere, and Lily and I had this conversation in the car.
Lily: Mom, can you believe that I'm FOUR now?
Me: (pretending to cry) Yes. You are so big. I don't know why you won't stay my baby. My little baby girl just keeps growing and growing.
L: Don't worry, Mom. No matter how old I am, I'll always be your girl.
Me: (smiling a big smile) Oh. Okay, then. As long as you'll always be my girl, you're allowed to grow up. Will you call me every day?
L: Yes. And I'll let you hold all my babies.
Me: Goodie. Are you going to have girl babies or boy babies?
L: Girl. Because I'm a girl and I think I'm pretty good so I want good girl babies. And girls have to have girls.
Me: Well, I'm a girl, and I have 2 boys.
L: Well, I don't want boys. I want girls.
Me: That's fine. Memere had only girls. But I sure like having boys too. Whatever.
L: (a short pause) Fine. I will have one boy. But still two girls.
Me: Whatever you want, Lily.
L: Mom? Where do baby horses come from?
Was your answer "mommy horses"?
I have these conversations with my kids all the time. Rachel is going to have 7 children - 3 named Josh, 3 named Mary, and one named JJ (Josh and Mary are her gymnastics coaches - no idea who JJ is LOL!)
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