Saturday, November 20, 2010


I am not a music aficionado. I cannot even spell that word, that is how uncool I am with music.

I just like what I like. And I usually know after one listening. And it is almost never the "cool" stuff.

And I've never been good at it. In high school, I thought my Chicago cassette tape was a compilation of bands from the Chicago area. It took a while for me to realize they were the same band. I went to a Sting concert in college, and really like some of the "new" songs he sang. I went home and found out that he used to be in a band called The Police. Ever heard of them? I hadn't. I like Eminem. And Josh Grobin. And Taylor Swift. And Shaggy. And Tim McGraw. And Mozart. and JayZ.

You get the idea.

Well, there is one singer that I like despite myself. I had multiple cassette tapes of his solo career and his previous career with a trio. I like every song he's done for Disney movies.

I am ashamed to admit my love of this man's voice. I try to deny it. I don't listen to my tapes anymore, I never ever talk about liking his songs. (Although I may replay the credits to the Disney movie WallE over and over after we watch it. )

And then I found myself singing in the grocery store. Yes! SINGING. In. Public. Dancing down an aisle with Mikey.

And I stopped.

And realized they were playing a Phil Collins song.

DAMNIT! I am powerless to stop this! He speaks to my soul!


Kate said...

Yes! I totally love him, too. And Chicago. And my other guilty pleasures: Journey, Justin Timberlake, Will Smith, Carley Simon, Billy Joel, etc.

And I am a dunce-head when it comes to musicians, too. But then I married a DJ. So I ask him who the artist is that I am humming a tune to. The only price is the humiliation of, "You don't know who that is???? Duh." I think that's a direct quote from Greg.

Joanne said...

Don't feel bad, I love Phil, too!

memere said...

Cassette tapes! You are dating yourself girl. Opps I mean "old lady"

CARRIE said...

I thought I was bad until I read this. I am officially cooler than you. ;)