Michael is just super cute right now. And you have to remember that he talks like Daffy Duck or Sylvester from Looney Tunes. He spits all over you when he says his /s/'s. It's Thhhhhh-uper cute. Although, officially we are trying to break him of the habit.
Yesterday morning, he opened the door and walked outside in his pj's. I ran over, yelling at him to comebackinsidewhattheheckareyoudoingitsfreezingout. He came back in and said, "I just seeing if it's still Halloween outside."
When I picked him up from school later that same day, he expressed great sadness that all the snow was melting. And by that, I mean had a screaming tantrum in the backseat.
Me: "Michael, calm down. Snow doesn't last very long. If you want snow all the time, you have to go live with the penguins in Antarctica."
Michael: -calming down- "Okay. I'll build a house there when I grow up."
Me: "But what about swimming? If it's too cold, you won't be able to go swimming."
Michael: "That okay. I'll wear a special suit with a mask to go swim."
At least he has a plan.
I was admiring his school picture and we were looking at his classmates together. He doesn't know anybody's name. Except Paul.
"Mommy, dat's Paul. He's super annoying."
"Michael, that's not a nice thing to say. I'm sure he's a nice boy."
"No, Mommy. The teachers get him in trouble lots of times. He is super super annoying."
"Well, who is your friend? Who do you like to play with?"
"Nobody. They all take my toys. They are annoying."
I don't see a class presidency in his future.
Seeing if it's still Halloween outside? That is so, so cute- I would have melted too! I also like that he will live/swim with the penguins :)
Is this the boy that was in speech therapy?!? Now he's busting out words like " super annoying". Three year olds say the darnedest things. Such a funny boy! Thanks for the laughs, Michael :)
Tell Michael I think most people are super annoying. I like this little dude--he's a smart one!
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