Friday, November 02, 2007

My invention

Okay, so I haven't actually invented this. It's more like a vision...a dream, if you will. It has to do with my future mini-van.

We don't have a mini-van yet. We have a 5 year old Ford Escape that I love. And that is completely paid off. And has never given us major problems. Lovely car. A bit noisy on the inside. But it works fine for me.

3 car seats won't fit in the back of this car. So soon we will have to upgrade to a larger car. I am not against mini-vans. I have no illusions of my perceived "coolness", so I don't have issues with them like some people do. I think they are practical, comfortable, get good gas mileage (as far as big cars are concerned), whatever. I fully plan on removing one captain's chair, putting Lily and Andrew in the way back and the baby in the remaining captain's chair. I am envisioning piling all kids in through one door, and penning them in during the 25 minutes it will probably take me to buckle them all in. Lovely. Practical.

But there is one feature I really wish I could add to the minivan. I'm pretty sure that this feature doesn't exist. Yet. Once my idea hits the public, I'm sure there will be a clamoring for it. So take a deep breath for the unveiling of my latest greatest idea.


Retractable soundproof limo glass between the driver area and the backseats.

I know. I know. You're all imagining the possibilities right now.

Situation #1: Child or children are having a screaming temper tantrum in the back. You know the type...blood curdling screams. You can do nothing for them, and they can't hurt themselves because they are all strapped in. Wouldn't it be nice to touch a button on your dash and raise up some soundproof glass? Safer driving conditions, I'll say that much.

Situation #2: Children are clamoring to listen to Hip Hop Harry sing "Old MacDonald" for the 800th time. Or watch Pretty Pretty Ponies of the DVD player. Turn it on for them and touch a button....and...ah, blessed silence in the front. Unless you want to jam to your own tunes at the same time...there would be dual sound systems, of course.

Situation #3: You are stuck in a traffic jam. Idiotic drivers are surrounding you. Want to shield those delicate ears from your swearing? Touch the button...they can be blissfully unaware of the profanities flying in the front seat.

The possibilities are endless. I'll be waiting for the call from Chrysler.


Anonymous said...

You will so be a gazillionaire with this idea!!!

Kate said...

Sign me up!

Joanne said...

Kate took the words right out of my mouth! You're a genius!!!

HawleyFamily said...

Homer Simpson put this feature in his dream car also!! haha! Do you think I can get an aftermarket version of that for my trailblazer? LOVE it!

Giselle said...

Wait...Homer Simpson beat me to the punch. I knew it was too good of an idea to be original. ;)

My practical, party-pooper, engineer of a husband asked me where would the glass retract into, and wouldn't that be expensive, and safety first...blah! I'm just the idea girl...I'll leave it to the engineers to figure out the details!

Anonymous said...

Love your idea. Better yet, I love your writing! When is the next Erma Bombeck "write-alike" contest? If you don't submit some of your "stories", I will : )