Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy birthday, Andrew!

I am going to back date a bunch of posts from this weekend, for those of you crazy enough to want to read it. I have to admit...it was very nice to have a vacation from blogging. ;)

Now, onto today's post. My baby...my very first baby...is 4 years old today. -sigh- Sometimes I feel like he is all grown up. I know this isn't true, because he doesn't yet stink or have body hair...but all the things he can do. Except dress himself. Seriously, shouldn't he be able to do this by now? At least put on socks? Pants? I understand buttons and zippers are tough, but just pulling a pair of sweatpants up? Really?

No, no, I shouldn't complain here on his birthday post. He is much more deserving than that. After his behavior this weekend, I am in awe of him. He is so patient and well-behaved and funny and social and weird and loving and funny (did I say that already?). On alternating days I am so stinkin' proud of him I almost can't stand it. I think of the baby he once was, and I honestly like him better now. His personality is...indescribable. You just have to get to know him to discover how special he is.

I feel very blessed to have had Andrew with me for 4 years now. He drives me crazy some of the time, but most of the he makes me laugh and amazes me. At his birthday party, his Aunt Kate asked him if he could write. He proceeded to write his name. WHAT???? I knew he knew how to spell his name, but I had NO IDEA he knew how to write letters. Never thought to ask him to try...I just assumed that was way beyond his abilities. Shame on me. I should know by now never to underestimate this boy.

So, Happy Birthday, Andrew! I'm so looking forward to the 4's!


Anonymous said...

Andrew is one special boy. One minute he has me laughing til I cry. The next he is hugging me and telling me he loves me. Can it get any better than that? It's hard to believe that the little baby who belly laughed in California is now a big boy who has me belly laughing. Happy Birthday to a wonderful grandson. How lucky am I!!

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!
Enjoy being 4 - it sounds like so much fun!

Kelsey said...


You and Andrew seem to be a perfect pair. (Yes, I know Jeff has something to do with the parenting as well!) I don't know that parents and children always get it right, but you and Andrew really seem to have a good thing going -- mother/son wise. I feel honored to get these glimpses into your relationship.