Monday, November 19, 2007


Oh, yes...with a stunning title like this, you just know it's going to be a great post.

I am taking time out from making lists and packing and making lists and shopping and making lists and cleaning and making lists to attend to the all important blog. I think later today I won't be getting on the computer.

It is 6:40, and my son has been up for 25 minutes...whining already. Lovely. He'll be thrilled that mom is running around instead of tending to his every whim. But to make this day a little less fun...I am wearing the dreaded overalls today.

Back story: I used to love overalls. In college I had a pair of blue corduroy ones that I loved. But I was skinnier in college, so I thought they were cute. I have not had any desire to buy a pair since I "outgrew" that pair. The first year of marriage was not kind to my waistline...another story all together.

So here I am, knocked up...again. And I am in a pickle, because all my maternity clothes are perfectly suited for fall birthdays. If I had to have an "Oops", it would have been better planned to have it in the I wouldn't have to go maternity shopping again. In my initial dismissal of this pregnancy, I foolishly thought that I would be able to get by wearing my 1 pair of maternity pants and all my baggy flannels and sweatshirts. A very nice woman dropped off a bin of maternity clothes for me to borrow, knowing that my denial could only last so long. Most of the clothes are for summer, so I can't use them. But she has 3 pairs of overalls...khaki, jean, and black velour. I understand liking overalls, but black velour? How I would love to know what kind of event you are attending where that is appropriate attire.

I reluctantly tried on a pair a few weeks ago, and I went from a woman who looks slightly chunky in the middle to a hugely pregnant woman in 2.5 seconds. I am also quite long-legged, so they are flood pants when I sit down (I look rather like an ostrich when pregnant...huge round body atop long long legs). (what the heck...I look kind of like an ostrich all the time). So I set the overalls to the side. I would like to hide this pregnancy as long as possible, mostly because of all the comments I know I'm going to hear for the rest of my life, "Oh, my, close are they going to be? Won't you be busy? Don't you know how this happens yet?" etc etc etc. Like I said, I have the rest of my life to field these questions, so I'd like to postpone it.

But I only own 3 pairs of maternity pants (see, I'm not in denial anymore...I actually have bought some new maternity clothes). I have 2 sloppy children who like to use me as a napkin/tissue/drool rag. I need to take these 3 pairs of acceptable pants to Ohio with me. I don't want to dirty any of them here in PA (I refuse to do a load of laundry that consists entirely of one pair of pants). So...overalls.



HawleyFamily said...

From one Ostrich to another, I TOTALLY understand!!! :)

Emily said...

You truly have a way with words - I am completely cracking up. The overalls are classic. I can relate to the maternity clothes dilemma, because even though this one's due in March and Katy is a May baby (so the seasons would seem to match up), all of my pants seem tighter this time for some reason... so even though I planned on not having to purchase any new clothes this time, I've given in and made 2 trips to the one and only Old Navy in my vicinity that carries maternity.

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon, Giselle, with a description like that, we want pictures! I miss those femurs.

Love ya! Short squatty Moira

Anonymous said...

Hi Giselle -- I check your blog every now and then absolutely loved the reference to the blue overalls from college. I mean, please -- how could anyone from Floor 2 forget them? Your kids are so fun to read about. I hope all is well. Take care, Tracy (aka Frump)