Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Garbage Land

No, this post isn't about my house, although "Garbage Land" would be an appropriate title for a discussion about my humble abode.

Okay, if you aren't going to ask questions, then I punish you with more stories of my kids. I love them, but you have only yourself to blame if you are bored to tears.

Andrew has been changing into a little boy right before my eyes. I have mentioned many times before that he is obsessed with football...that hasn't changed. He is also skinny and tall and has all but lost that baby cuteness. When we are grocery shopping, everyone who approaches our cart is attracted to Lily. They coo and oooohhh and aaaahhhh over her. Then Andrew pipes in. He will not be overlooked. Amazingly, he has no resentment over the attention his little sister receives. He knows he'll win them over in the end. He starts by telling them her name, how old she is, and the cute things she knows how to do. Then he tells them HIS name, how old he is, and when his birthday is. If they are still paying attention (which they always are, the poor suckers), he will begin a dialogue about his day, his football teams, his favorite color, etc etc. I usually interject and insist that we continue shopping before the cute baby (who is now forgotten, by the way) revolts and flings herself from the cart. Oh, Andrew may be losing his physical cuteness...but his personality is bypassing it by far.

Andrew is also delightfully weird. I don't know if this is a typical trait of a 4 year old, whether it is genetics, or if it is simply due to the fact that he lives day in and day out with me. Whatever it is...he is strange. Like this morning he was throwing away his Gogurt container. He dangles it over the trash can saying in a weirdo little accent, "And I send you to Garbage Land. Away to Garbage Land. (wrapper misses can and hits the floor). You missed Garbage Land. Try again...I send you to Garbage Land." I was cracking up at his little accent and just the whole imaginary concept. Love it. In the last few days he's also been repeating a commercial he saw while watching football with his dad. He just says, "Always, Always, ALWAYS put Chi-le on your Na-chos". I don't know. It's just hilarious the way he says it. I think the funniest part is that he doesn't even know what chili or nachos are.

He is also increasingly rough. I am always pulling him off of little boys. I realize this is just part of being a boy, but I am seriously afraid of being sued because Andrew is so much bigger than other boys his age. He has no idea how badly he can hurt these kids. I mean, just that huge Charlie Brown head. Seriously...one knock from that noggin' and his playmates may be reduced to drooling and staring at a wall all day. Scares me.

We've been on an UNO kick...and now Andrew randomly tells you to "Draw Four" when he is upset. If he doesn't get his way, or he's upset about something, he'll suddenly say, "Draw Four, Mommy!" What an insult.

So that's a little update on Andrew. He seriously is a nice kid. He makes me proud. And to see the way he loves his little sister. Just melt my heart and serve it on a sandwich.


Kate said...

Oh, Andrew-- what you will teach Colin this summer...

Some day our sons can have a comedy show and talk about how weird their mommies made them.

Emily said...

Hi Giselle,

thanks for stopping by...I think I remember Cindy mentioning your name here and there (I went to hs with cindy, which is how I know kels). I look forward to checking in on you, as it looks like our due dates are within a week of one another. It's always nice to know someone in the same stage of pregnancy...