If it IS "it", the incubation period is 4-6 days...and Jeff came home from work last night and immediately started piling on the covers. His cough is bad enough that he couldn't sleep last night (guess who else couldn't as a result?). He has fallen.
I wonder when I can consider Lily, Michael, and I "safe". We have certainly been around Andrew more...but we don't ride the train to work everyday...Jeff could have picked it up somewhere else. In any case, it's another day in the house for us...since Andrew was up all night coughing as well.
But not to be left out...Michael decided to head dive off of a kitchen chair right before bedtime last night.
He looked like this right after the event (and 15 minutes of ice...you should have seen how gross is was immediately afterward).

Looks like my plans to take Christmas photos this weekend is cancelled. Perhaps this will have to be it...the last shot before Mikey tried to pop his eyeball out...
Have a good weekend!
In all seriousness-- I'd be getting myself some Tamiflu from your doctor-- because if you can't take care of your family-- you're all screwed. I think they'll give it to you, esp b/c of Mikey's age and asthma
Sorry Jeff is down. I hope the rest of you avoid it! Take your vitamins! :)
Yikes. I'm reading these in reverse order. You deserve a medal.
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