Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Okay. So nothing funny or exciting is happening to report due to me quarantining my sick child. (unlike USUALLY) All I can think of is to write yet another post about how I am the worst stay-at-home mother in the history of time, because the last thing I want to do is actually STAY AT HOME with my children. I don't even feel comfortable taking Andrew to the grocery, because obviously this little fever virus is quite potent. Just 2 days at home with these children and I am contemplating who will hire a woman that has been unemployed for 6 years, and has not practiced a single working-related skill other than typing a whiny blog...oh and this job must pay enough to put 3 children in day care.

But I figure I've written that post about 50 times on this here blog of mine...pretty much every time I'm cooped up. Thank GOD Jeff doesn't travel for work, because I'm pretty sure if I was cooped up all day and then had no relief at night...I'd go get a job at McDonald's and leave the children in the care of Shadow. And, yes, MickeyD's would hire me...I have previous job experience with them.


So I keep saying I wanted to talk about joining a church, which sounded good when I started to type this up...but already (after writing 2 paragraphs) I am feeling very MEH about it. Which is kind of how I feel about everything when stuck at home for many days straight. Want to eat dinner? Meh. Want to do a craft? Meh. Want to Christmas shop? Meh.

Fun, aren't I? Lucky kids. Andrew perked up yesterday morning...he woke up at 4 am ready for the day. Kind of. He was still sporting a 102 degree fever, and acting all slumpy and sickie. At 6 he sweat through his pj's. It was gross. But then he jumped off the couch at about 9 am and began torturing his sister. I immediately took his temp...and sure was 98.4. Figures. He was restless and annoying and teasing and tackling and pretty much annoying until after his nap...when his temp reached 100.1. I didn't give him anything, because I was really hoping that 100 would count as fever free so he could go to school the next day. But by dinner time, it had hopped back up to 103.1. Bummer. Another day at home.

Lily is the one that I'm ready to kill. She is so hyper and bored and antsy. She is like me...likes to GET OUT. I wish we lived close to family so I could FARM HER OUT...just for a lunch date with Grandma or to a park or WHATEVER. She is so freaking annoying, and yet I understand she is bored, but seriously...I can't play pretend games with her because she is so bossy and spends the whole time yelling at you in her gibberish how you aren't playing right. So not only am I playing Lion King for the 3,000th time, I am getting hollered at for doing it wrong. Makes me want to wash the floors or something. Except that Michael would get into the wash water and slip on the floor and ....

Oh, it's going to be a long day...


d e v a n said...

I hope the day goes better than expected! I hate cooped up days!

Emily said...

I'm the same way. If I realize at 8am that we don't have any plans for the day, I'm on the phone (or in my head) MAKING SOME, because good LORD what are we going to DO until 5:30? I don't think I could've imagined that part of "staying at home" before I had kids. And I hate it when you are forced to do just that.

CARRIE said...

Same here. I hate being cooped up. It makes me feel immensely better to know I'm not the only one.