Thursday, November 05, 2009

3 years ago

3 years ago today, I packed up my car and my 4 week old infant and my almost 3 year old...and my mother.

3 years ago today, I started driving down an unfamiliar route towards a house I'd never seen towards a state I'd never visited.

3 years ago today, I dropped off my toddler with my in-laws at a Wendy's in Zanesville, so I could spend a week getting things settled without him around.

3 years ago today, I was stopping every 2-3 hours on the Pennsylvania turnpike and nursing my tiny newborn at rest areas, truck stops, and Denny's.

3 years ago today, I was anxious to finally see the town that we'd be living in.

3 years ago today, I was super tired from not sleeping and nursing non-stop and dealing with post-partum depression and living out of a suitcase for a week.

3 years ago today, I knew I'd have to stay in a hotel rather than just GET to my new house. I was so insanely curious to see what Jeff had picked out all on his own.

3 years ago today, I felt how deep my mother and father love me. Their help and assistance was the only thing that kept me from feeling completely overwhelmed and depressed.

3 years ago today...I moved to Philadelphia. Actually, tomorrow marks the day that I walked into my house for the first time.

And I'm so happy with how it turned out. And really really wondering why I didn't get some big piece of jewelry from my husband for doing it when we did it.


Erin said...

That last line just killed me. HAHA!

It's crazy because I've been reading your blog for LONGER than 3 years, which seems like a long time. I really feel like I know you guys.

And 3 years ago, I remember thinking that you were INSANE. Also, very brave. Much, much braver than I ever would be.

d e v a n said...

3 years! Sounds like an anniversary that calls for that jewelry.

Marie Green said...

I don't think the statute of limitations ever runs out on getting jewelry for something like that! Cash in!

Marie Green said...

Also, have you ever shown pictures of your house? I'd love to see!

Giselle said...

There...I added a picture from when we moved in. Boy do we need to landscape.

bluedaisy said...

Wow! And I thought moving 20 minutes away with a newborn was nuts (what we did). You are awesome and doesn't that experience give you such perspective? I would definitely try to work out some jewelry because...well, why not?

memere said...

Do we remember Jeff and jewelry?

Sara said...

I really like your house! And wow, that was a lot to deal with! I wasn't even getting out of my jammies when my second kid was born. You definitely deserve some jewelry!

CARRIE said...

Three years since you left the "Ville." Miss you tremendously!!

Anonymous said...

And 5 years since you left California. I'll join Carrie in saying I miss you and wish you still lived twenty minutes away!

Marie Green said...

Oh, I'm so excited to see a picture of your house! Isn't it interesting to see where people live? Well, maybe it's only me, but I find it interesting.

Funny how you commented "boy we need to landscape" b/c when I saw the picture I thought "Awwww. What a cozy home." The landscaping wasn't even on my radar...