Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I dare not speak this aloud

But typing it should be fine, right? I still think I'll whisper it, just in case it's not true.

I think Lily is potty training herself. After quickly realizing that every time I suggest it, she screamed and refused, I gave up. GAVE UP. But every 10 days or so we would have an "underpants morning"....MOSTLY because I would hear about yet another 13 month old that had potty trained while my more than 3 year old refused. So I would drag her screaming and kicking into a pair of underpants, and she would wet through them and then underpants morning would be over. But I wanted to give her the feeling of being wet at least a few times...and the experience would also convince me that she was NOT ready and this was NOT something I could force her into.

Then a few days ago, she started asking to sit on the potty. Totally out of the blue. I seriously could not even ask her if she wanted to try without causing her to scream and holler and have a tantrum. (she really is a pleasant child...) And the thing is? When she asked, sometimes she would actually go.

Then today she asked me a total of 8 times. 6 of those times resulted in success. Holy CRAP. And she was totally dry in her pull-up all day except for nap time. Holy CRAP.

I don't know why I'm surprised. Andrew kind of did the same exact thing at almost the same exact time. I guess when you are ready you're ready. Hopefully I'll remember this for Michael and not feel the peer pressure of the more "successful" parents that surround me ;)


Annie said...

I can only assume you refer to my sisters-in-law as the "successful" parents since Reina's scenario is eerily similar to yours. I'm certainly no expert. We quickly went from underpants morning to all day (sans nap time...then there was no nap, boo hoo). Only a few accidents, most recently last evening. But expect a fast progression. There is light at the end of the tunnel!

CARRIE said...

So many of my mom friends with 2-year-olds are talking about potty-training, and I just laugh (inside). G will be at least 3 before I even bring up the notion. I wholeheartedly agree---they will do it when they are darn good and ready.

Anonymous said...

I'm crossing my fingers for you. Potty training is the worst...I hate it. But not having to change diapers is so great! May the potty gods bless you to not have to clean up too many accidents or have to find a public restroom at the most inconvenient times possible;)