Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Good planner...not executer

So it is June 1st. The official start of the SSC. Another of my grand plans. I am a really good planner...a good idea maker. And a terrible executer. Which is why I've made hundreds of charts, detailed elaborate exercise regimens, and bought lots of equipment...but am still 30 pounds overweight. Which is why my children watch too much tv despite all the fun toys, crafts, and activity books I've purchased. Which is why we still eat tacos and spaghetti and pizza each week despite lots of cookbooks and calculated shopping.


So the latest? SSC. Which of course stands for S(last name) Summer Camp.

I am not sending Andrew to any camps this summer. Or Lily or Michael for that matter. But I don't want to go stir-crazy...I tend to lean that way when there are no scheduled activities. So I am scheduling the activities. And, yes, some of the scheduled activites are called, "Alone time". :)

So here's my basic layout...my plan...which I will inevitably abandon in 1-2 weeks. But it is the PLAN, gosh-darnit!

Each day of the week we will have a planned, camp-like activity. Mondays are "Make it Mondays" where we will cook something. Tuesdays are "Take a Trip Tuesdays" where we will visit somewhere we don't usually go or explore something new. Wednesdays are "Wet 'n' Wild Wednesdays" where we will do some sort of water activity. Thursdays are "Nature Thursdays" because I can't think of any more cute alliterations. And Fridays will be "Arts 'n' Crafts Fridays"...again with the alliteration.

Besides the "big" activity of the day, we will also be limiting tv to one show per child, and one computer half hour per child. More time can be earned by helping out around the house. All tv and computer rules are cancelled by rain...rainy days are to be lazy movie days.

Andrew will be given 3 chores a day of my choosing. If he completes them, then he will earn $1. He will be able to spend this money on fun trips to the dollar store or craft store...whatever. I'm hoping he will start to understand a bit more of the value of money, since he regularly wants to take us out to dinner with his piggie bank money...which totals maybe $4. ;)

Lily will officially stop having alone time in her room. It is basically a joke now anyway.

Once school ends for Andrew (June 15th is his last day), he will have to complete a writing page each day. I've always believed that kids should have the summer off...but Andrew's spelling/writing is atrocious, and I worry that if he never writes anything all summer he will really suffer once school starts. Part of this will be his summer journal. Each fun trip that we take, he'll be allowed to use my camera for a few pictures. Then we'll print them up and attach them to a handwriting sheet. He'll write a sentence or two about what we did. I'll make them into a book at the end of the summer. Voila! Summer scrapbook.

Is that all? I think so. Due to the lack of tv, one activity a day will of course not be enough. I plan on checking out music from the library for lots of dance parties, reading lots of books, pretend play (gag), and playdates and parks almost every day as well.

This isn't just for the kids, either. I'm going to limit myself to one show a day of tv. More time to read :) And other than the weeks of no kitchen, we are going to not eat out this summer. But make an effort to create a really special yummy meal on the weekends to reward ourselves. Like crab legs. Or steak and mushrooms. Whatever. Always there will be lots of wine/Mojitos/margaritas ;)

I'll try and write up what I do each week...more of a record for myself than anything. Again, knowing my history...no. I won't defeat myself quite yet. I'm on my 4th week of the Couch to 5K program...so if I can do that...who knows what I can do to stave off boredom with the kids. ;)


Andrea said...

You should check out my best friend's blog - http://littlelearnerslounge.blogspot.com/. She does a lesson plan every week for her 2 year old! Yes, every week :) She does have some really good activities and ideas.
I like the idea of a journal and Ryan is also being required to keep one since his writing is also atrocious!

memere said...

Don't forget "Stone Soup". Didn't you do that every week at Y camp? Have fun.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, summer...it's either really great because there's no school/homeowork/sports schedule to stick to or very painful because everyone gets bored. But it sounds like you've got some terrific ideas! May the force be with you in the execution of SSC ;)

Kelsey said...

Are you sure that teaching wasn't your calling???