Monday, January 22, 2007

Boys vs. Girls

Andrew is very big into boys and girls right now. I think it has to do with the fact that our household is evenly split, so it makes it really convenient to break into family subgroups: boys vs. girls. And Jeff and I have played into this on occasion, when it supported our plans ("Let's go do some boy errands, while Mommy and Lily run some girl errands").

Jeff is definitely Andrew's favorite now. After years of being the go-to gal for my son, I am relishing the time off. Daddy has to do EVERYTHING. It's because he's a boy. No, it's really because he's an awesome dad. But Andrew thinks his awesomeness stems from his boy-ness.

Which leads me to my favorite Andrew quote of the day. I gave him some kisses this morning, which he promptly wiped off. (stinker!). I did the big mommy drama of "Why don't you let your mommy kiss you, boo hoo boo hoo, why...WHYYYYY?" Andrew replied, and I quote, "I don't like girl kisses, Mommy, just boy kisses." Tee hee hee.

For the sake of any homo-phobes out in my reading audience...have no fear. He also told me today that he likes that one girl on Hi-5 (an obnoxious kids show we've recently gotten addicted to...and by "we" I mean Andrew). Upon further investigation, I've found out that the "one girl" he likes is the cute blond. Not the other two girls...the perky blond...with a bow in her hair (so said Andrew). Oh, and as another testament to his masculinity, I was playing pretend with Andrew and his plastic snakes, lizards, and frogs yesterday. I decided to have 2 snakes go to a ball and dance with each other (I am still a girl, after all). Andrew promptly attacked my dancing snakes with kamikaze frogs...there was a lot of gore and screaming. Ahhhhh, little boys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy kisses?
I think Jeff has a few friends Andrew can hang out with.