Jeff and I want to be able to sleep in until 7:00. Andrew usually wants to be up before that. So I finally put a digital clock in his room and told him if he wakes up, he can read books until the clock says "7" and then he can knock to come out. This morning, the knock came at 7:01. So I'm hoping he understands...but maybe it was just a coincidence this morning. ;) He ran to our room to wake Jeff, and Jeff took his time waking up. Andrew pestered his dad, then pointing out when Jeff's clock had TWO sevens (7:07). Now Daddy really has to get up. Jeff told him he'd get out of bed when the clock had THREE sevens. Andrew ran into Lily's room (where I was nursing Lily) to check this out with me. I told him Daddy was tricking him, and Andrew ran back to tell Jeff he was on to him.
We've also been trying to fill out a little chart for Andrew. I picked out a few things I want Andrew to work on...Dishes in the sink, Trying new foods, Cleaning up toys, and Helping dress/undress. He gets a sticker when he accomplishes these things. If he fills up a row, he gets a sucker. If he fills up the whole chart, he gets to go to Chuck 'e' Cheese. It has worked amazingly so far. He's earned 3 suckers (2 for dishes in the sink and one for Dressing), and he's almost all the way there to earn Chuck e Cheese. He actually tried SALMON the other night. Amazing.
And finally, Andrew has his own expectations. This morning we were getting breakfast ready, and Andrew was playing with Lily's swing. The conversation went something like this:
A-"Mommy, why is this Lily's swing?"
G-"Well, it used to be yours, but you got too big. Soon Lily is going to be too big for it, and we'll put it down in the basement."
A-"Then the boy baby can use it."
G-"What boy baby?"
A-"The boy baby you are going to grow in your belly."
Oh...I guess Andrew expects a baby brother. I told him to go tell his dad. Freak him out a little. Jeff's response..."Your vote is duly noted."
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