Saturday, January 20, 2007

The difference between boys and girls

I wasn't anticipating any difference between having a boy and a girl. I mean, I expect Lily to be different EVENTUALLY...but surely not in the first year or so.

I was wrong. Lily proved me wrong. She whipped out a brand new trick this week that is all girl.

She learned how to scream. A bloodcurdling shriek that she pulls out when she's REALLY mad. Andrew never reached octaves this high. Jeff heard it today in the car (what a surprise...she still hates that damn car seat). I believe his comment was, "Oh, nice Lil"

If you aren't sure what scream I'm talking about, just go to a birthday party for a little girl. You'll usually hear it as the little girls chase each other around. It makes your ears hurt. Literally hurt. we go. Screaming already. I don't know if I can handle this girl stuff. And you know she's going to be a big screamer. She has an older brother for heaven's sake. An older brother who is OBSESSED with touching hair. Lily has a lot of hair. You put the pieces together. Heaven help me!

1 comment:

Erin said...

She's SQUEALING! You mean, like she just found out the lead singer of her favorite boy band was killed in a freak roller coaster accident? That kind of squealing?

Way to go, Lily!