Saturday, January 20, 2007

Fascinating and other odds and ends

We officially only own one house! Hip hip hooray! To celebrate, we went to Friendly's for lunch today. Yea, we really live it up. Andrew ordered hot dogs and mac and different from what he eats at home.

Yesterday, Andrew was playing with his cars when he said, "Mommy, this car is fascinating." I don't think he quite knows what it means, but he said it so earnestly and the pronunciation was so was ADORABLE. I of course told Jeff the minute he walked in the door. Andrew was playing with snakes (plastic ones, people. It's much too cold for real snakes). He showed us how he linked them together and said, "Isn't this cool, Mom and Dad?" I said, "I think it's fascinating, Andrew." He looked at me very seriously and said, "It's NOT fascinating. It's just cool." So there. I know it doesn't sound that cute typed up. But it was hilarious in person. Trust me.

Have I told you yet that Andrew doesn't say "yes" anymore. He answers "That is correct." or "You are correct." As in, "Andrew, this is a really yummy ice cream cone." "You are correct, Mommy!" Lordy, this child isn't going to have any friends. Pair up this phrase with his thumbs up...yikes. I may as well just home school him.

Andrew likes to make me laugh. He came up with this weird way to say "lotion" and wiggle his body every time I put it on him. It CRACKS ME UP. Every time. So he does it over and over. Also, we were playing football one afternoon and he had a big goober hanging out his nose. So I told him he must play for the Boogers team. He thought that was hilarious. These two things are connected in his brain for some reason. So a visitor to our house may hear this: "Looooootion. I play for the Boooogers!" Seriously, maybe it would be better for Andrew to be in day care.

Oh, and uh, you may want to be VERY careful what you do and say around the boy. His memory is SCARY. He was eating fruit snacks in the car (aka. the bribe that he gets every time he gets into the car). They happened to be creepy crawlies...snakes, spiders, lizards, etc. Here is his conversation with me in the car, "Mom, I'm eating an orange lizard. Remember when we saw a lizard?"
"No, when did we see a lizard? At the zoo?"
"No, remember when Uncle Chad picked one up and it bit his finger?"
Why yes, I do remember that. It happened MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND. We have not spoken of this event since. SCARY. And to think, Jeff said "Ah, hell" around him this week. Who knows when that's going to pop up again.

So that's my Andrew. We had playgroup at our house yesterday (very fun, by the way) and 3 of the moms came up to me and said, "Andrew sure likes to have conversations, doesn't he?" Yes, yes he does. Usually about his favorite football teams (the Buckeyes, the Bengals, the Eagles, the Giants, the Dolphins, and the that order...every time he says it) And just try to convince him that the Buckeyes aren't playing the Gators in a re-match. He won't hear of it. And the Bucks will win the next time...Andrew's sure of it!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I'm very glad to see that the Buckeyes come first on his list! :)