Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I have started a new project to keep myself busy (can you feel the sarcasm oozing through your computer screen). Okay, so I'm plenty busy. Except for the rare times when both children are sleeping (right now). I SHOULD be cleaning my house. But that is no fun. I'd rather write about the mind-numbing subject of my life. ;)

So I'm printing out my old blog. I'm sure there is a technological way to download the blog into a computer file, blah blah blah. But I can't even put links in my entries...how in God's name would I figure out how to permanantly archive my old blog? So I'm doing it the old-fashioned way. I bought fancy paper and page protecting sheets and a pretty binder with a flower on it. And I'm printing out every page of my old blog.

It is so much fun. I have to thank my sister Kate for getting me started doing this. I am having a BLAST reading through my old entries. And I'm only up to November 2005! So many cute phrases that Andrew said that I'd forgotten. So many tantrums...I realize reading these how much better Andrew is now than he used to be. This is better than a dumb old baby book. I have actual memories written down!

Some of my favorites so far:





I can't wait to see what November holds...!

1 comment:

CARRIE said...

I hate to say this, but this sounds so much like a CARRIE thing to do.

Oh god, you're turning into me. I did rub off on you. Yippee. You've got my Kentucky Kooties.