Thursday, November 13, 2008

Andrew's worst nightmare

Today he can't speak! Can you imagine!?!?! The poor kid has come down with a terrible chest cold...and it's just sitting on his vocal chords. I feel so bad for him...he doesn't have a runny nose or anything. He just can't talk and when he tries to cough it is a bark...just not loosened up yet. Oh, and he has a fever if I don't give him Tylenol. But the not talking is driving him MAD. We can't even play neighbor... (I grin evilly). Hopefully tomorrow it will loosen up a bit so he can at least get my attention. And hopefully tonight he will be able to sleep....last night was a long one.

So a day of TV! How unusual for my kids...

BTW...I took all 3 kids for flu shots yesterday afternoon. It went amazingly well, thanks to gummy bears and the fact that Michael didn't react at all to the shot. Kind of guilted Andrew into not crying. Now I'm the only one who hasn't gotten one. I saw a sign at Target last week that they were giving flu shots Oct 16-19. Gee. Thanks. Maybe someday I should actually get a doctor so that I can take care of things like this. -sigh- Like I can even imagine going to the doctor with 3 kids tagging along. Or even 2. Or 1.


bluedaisy said...

In general, I think flu shots are a good thing and the kids have theirs. But I have only gotten a flu shot once and that particular winter- in March- I had a 24+ hour stomach virus that was just awful. And I was pregnant with Liam. That is the only time I have had a stomach bug like that in my adult life. Logical or not, it kind of turned me off to the flu shot. But having a doctor and taking care of yourself is a good thing if you can swing it. Maybe one with evening hours so you don't have to cart the kids?

Annie said...

You can get a flu shot at Walgreens, CVS and Kroger Pharmacy for about $20 and don't usually have to make an appointment and don't have to pay an additional MD copay. And I've never gotten sick from a flu shot. Being sick with one kid totally sucks, I can't imagine having to wrangle three while feeling like crap.

Hope Andrew feels better...

Kelsey said...

I LOVE that older kids can lay on the couch and watch TV or movie when they are sick. Our Michael has a cold right now and we had a very rough patch last night. Harper is at least old enough to be distracted by some Disney animation. . . I am so frustrated by sick babies because there seems so little you can do to help them feel better or at least distract them from their misery.