Sunday, November 02, 2008

Roll on, my friend...

Michael is officially rolling over. He doesn't quite know how to get it done, but he does it. Make sense? Last night I heard him screaming in bed at 2:15. He does not do this, so I gave him 20 minutes to cry it out before I would go into him. After 15 minutes he was quiet, so I fell back asleep without checking on him. At 4:30, he woke up crying again, and I figured that 10 hours of sleep deserved a milk fill-up. I reached to get him, and realized he was on his tummy, desperately trying to flip back over to his back... Poor guy probably got himself into that predicament back at 2 am. He sure is lucky to have such a caring mommy. ;)

So, yay! He's rolling. And he ate a whole bowl of cereal/banana mixture choking or spitting! Yay, Michael.

And I don't want to write more...I have 29 more days to fill...yikes.


Kelsey said...

Go Michael! These days we find our Michael on his stomach about 50% of the time in the morning. I'm glad you are blopping this month too!

Erin said...

I can't wait to see the Halloween pics! HURRY UP ALREADY. What are you doing? Taking care of three young children or something?

Yay for Michael & the rolling. Baby E didn't roll until, I don't know, like 10 months old. I'm not kidding.