Wednesday, November 05, 2008

So long, Colin and Aunt Cake

Today we went back to normal. Kind of. It was time to take Kate, "Aunt Cake", and cousin Colin to the airport. It was such a good week. The cousins had a great time with lots of fighting spread right in. Colin did so was quite a week of changes for house, no daddy around, suddenly having to share and compromise with 2 other little needy beings. I thought the most telling example was when we were driving somewhere and Lily wanted to listen to the Elmo CD...again. Colin kept asking us to turn it to the Cars CD (right on, Colin G), but we did make the boys take turns picking the music with Lily. Colin reacted with shocked outrage, and I thought, of course! He doesn't have to listen to crappy Elmo music in his car. Poor kid...he'll go home thanking his lucky stars he doesn't have a little sister so he has to listen to that crap. ;) Or watch the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse instead of his favorite show. Really, he did so so well. I'm proud of you, Colin!

I think he was ready to go home, but I also think he had a great time while he was here. It just makes me wish that we were closer so we could get together for the afternoon or the weekend, and then go back to our safe comfortable routines quickly. But since this is the way it is for our family, I am very very grateful that Kate brought herself and Colin to us. We had a terrific time! We miss you already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so funny, b/c my good friend Kate from St. Louis- Alex and now Max both call her Aunt Cake. Love it.