Saturday, November 15, 2008

Call off the dogs...

I need an audience, did you guess that? Thanks to my little sister's rather late appearance when I was 7, I am a quirky mix of a youngest and a middle child. I like to think that I don't like attention...I hate parties for me, didn't really want a wedding, can't stand even Christmas parties where everyone will be watching me open a gift. Yet...I like to make people laugh and entertain them.

I know I need an audience for a journal. Evidence is in the blank pages of my written journal, that I knew would have an audience of 1 versus my blog...which has 590 entries in the last 3 years. I like to think I don't care that people are reading is for my future self. Which is true, except that I try my hardest to make you laugh or wince or shake your head at me...even if I don't know you're reading.

If I were a true blue middle child, I probably wouldn't have written that last post. I wouldn't have wanted to worry you about it. Writing it out was very much a youngest child thing to do. Youngest children tend to need validation for their every move in life...everything is a little more dramatic. Who could blame them...they're at the tail end of a gotta do what you gotta do to get attention. ;) I think that I needed validation in this little episode. I think that deep down I'm worried about what happened, and I kind of wanted to get your reaction, to justify my own reaction. Make sense?

Anyway, your reaction has been duly noted. For the record, I have gotten the name of a doctor's practice, and I will be calling them on Monday. If I can remember. Definitely by Tuesday. See, that's the darned middle child coming out again. ;)


Anonymous said...

Call Monday. We'll all be waiting to hear that you did. Thanks to all your friends who have urged you to go. She doesn't listen to her mother.

d e v a n said...

Yes, call Monday.

Erin said...

Ok. But no calling off the dogs until after we know the outcome. I'm still worried!

And don't apologize for that post. Do you READ my posts? I am a true blue middle child, and every other one is BEGGING for validation.

Annie said...

Ha ha. Not laughing. Bill will have a stroke when he reads your last post and finds out you didn't get checked out. Really. The memory loss and trouble speaking is concerning. All joking aside, what if you had been driving your kids?

Ok, enough lecture, go to the MD. xoxo.

Heather said...

Thank goodness. But I'll keep bugging you through Kate until I hear you have made and kept the appointment!

bluedaisy said...

Definitely call Monday...always better to be on the safe side. I will be thinking good thoughts for you!! BTW, thanks for following my blog :)

bluedaisy said...

To answer your question, I live in Chester County :)

Kelsey said...

Giselle! I will refrain from commenting on your other post, but I join the throngs urging you to call the doctor Monday and get checked out. That was so scary. I will also be waiting to hear about the outcome - you must report ASAP!!! We're all worried.

Kate said...

Yeah, you dope-- get yourself to the doctor pronto. If I can get to the dentist...