Saturday, November 08, 2008

Baby babbles

So Mikey is at the cutest stage ever. Seriously. I have always maintained that every age and stage with kids comes with a balance of good and bad. Like Lily is completely and totally psychotic and bipolar, but with that comes a budding sense of humor and her adorable emerging language skills. Andrew is super fun to play with and have real conversations with, but he also likes to talk about eyeballs and tuna fish sandwiches and today cocker spaniels. As in, "What do you want for lunch?" "Cocker Spaniels..." (insert out of control giggles here).

But I am at a loss to find the bad about 7 months old. Michael is sleeping AWESOMELY, with an hour or 2 of napping during the day and 11 hour stretches at night. He is suddenly loving his solid foods, and does that fantastic baby bird mouth. He is squealing and cooing and babbling to his heart's content. He can sit up. He is not mobile AT ALL. All it takes to make him happy is someone talking to him or something he can bang.

I love this stage. And I love it the most this time around because I really am not worried that he isn't rolling over, etc etc. I can tell there is nothing wrong with his muscles...he's just not into physical movement right now. He is very busy advancing verbally. Lily said her first syllable at about 7 months. I remember it well, because it was while we were visiting Texas, and it was one of the sweetest moments I've ever had with my brother-in-law (big tough bachelor was sooooo excited to hear her utter those first sounds). Michael will be 7 months tomorrow, and he is saying Muhmuhmuh and Dahdahdah and Dihdih and A-ta and Tihtihtih and Guh and Buhbuhbuh, and squeals... So he'll get there with the movement. One thing at a time.

I am also the most sad this time around. Michael is my last baby. I know I will always love holding babies, but there will never be another that looks at me with those adoring, "You are my mommy" eyes. Oh, my heart is breaking a little even writing that. I love babies. I love my kids, and despite my complaining, I really have tried to relish my time with them. I also know I don't want a 4th. I really want to enjoy each of my special wonderful kids, and already with 3 I feel stretched. I worry that I wouldn't enjoy them the same way if I added another. And I know that in any case I can't keep having babies. There will always be a last baby.

So don't grow up so fast, kiddo. Just take your time and let Mommy memorize every moment. I'll need it to last me for a long while.


Anonymous said...

It's funny how those opps and surprises complete our lives. Let us experience one more time the joys of parenting. We were able to watch you and your sister see the world through her eyes. You got to see Santa, the toothfairy and Easter Bunny again through her. I got to watch you read to her and tell her stories and sooth her when she was upset. Those opps and surprises are blessings we didn't know we would have. Savor it!

Joanne said...

Oh, Giselle! The end of your post made my heart break a little, too (for both you and me)!

Kate said...

He really is the cutest sweetest baby. I'd have ten if they were all like him-- and came with a full-time nanny. I love being an aunt. And no, it's not quite the same, but some day we'll be squeezing on some new nieces and nephews (I hope!)