Friday, January 05, 2007

Sweet Lillian

How about a post about my girl? She's not quite as "entertaining" as her brother, but she doesn't talk back or disobey yet...bonus!

Lily is really turning into the sweetest kid ever. She is an INCREDIBLE sleeper. Last night was the "worst" night in a long time. She woke up after 5 hours, fell right back to sleep for another 6 hour stretch, and is asleep right now. Andrew didn't sleep like this until he was 11 months old!!! It is amazing what a good night's sleep does for your psyche. She nurses really quickly, too, so nighttime feedings are super quick. She is still fussy at night, but one of us can usually soothe her within 45 minutes or not too bad.

She is so smily. She suddenly wants to be entertained...and she fusses if you try to rock her or cradle her. She is done with being a baby...she wants to sit up and watch the world around her. She is ALMOST giggling. Sometimes a little one will slip out when I'm changing her (her sides are very ticklish) or when I say something suddenly to her (she likes surprises). She is starting to like pat-a-cake and of course she is obsessed with her big brother. She follows him with her eyes and just smiles and smiles at him. Not that he cares. All her adoration is unappreciated by him. Jeff and I would kill to be looked at like that, but the object of her affection could care less.

We are a little concerned that her cheeks are getting so big she won't be able to see soon. Those little squinty eyes don't stand a chance against those huge cheeks! And her thighs...holy roly thighs. They are so cute and chunky. And her wrists are slowly disappearing under rolls...and she's just got the starts of that extra joint between her elbow and her wrist. We love fat babies! And her skin...she has the most gorgeous skin! She never had baby acne, and her scaly scalp is totally covered by her mop of hair. Her eyes are definitely blue and she is just cute cute cute. (not that I'm prejudiced or anything)

So that's my baby. I didn't think I would enjoy a second child as much because I couldn't spend as much one-on-one time with them. But I am really enjoying every minute with Lily. I need a thesaurus. Seriously. Can't I think of a better word than "enjoy enjoy enjoy" ? Ah well. I promise I'll post pictures again soon...just as soon as I remember to take the camera out of Lily's room.


Andrea said...

How funny that Ryan and Andrew seem to have the same temperment (so I feel your pain!) and Rachel and Lilly could be the same baby!!!
She sounds like a little love bug!

Erin said...

This is a really sweet post. I love that you can enjoy it the second time around. I felt like I was totally stressed out with Calum until he was about 4 months old. I hope the second time, I have better perspective.

Hey, Cal had his 1-year dr's appointment yesterday and weighed 28 pounds, 8 ounces. Still >97%, but not your little Goliath's 30+ pounder!

Giselle said...

I just checked Andrew's baby book...he was actually 27pounds2oz and 32 inches long at 1 year. So I'm already exaggerrating my child's past. By the time he's 15, I'll be saying that he was a 50 pound one-year-old.

Hmmm, maybe I should respond to you on your own may not check these comments.