Thank you to my friend from college Kelsey, for giving me a blogging lesson. You get an A for teaching! If you can teach me how to insert a hyperlink through an e-mail, you must be a genius!
Now, can you teach me how to get my archive to look like everyone elses? You know, with the number of entries for each month listed next to it.
Be that you've taught me one thing, I'll be driving you crazy!!!
Thanks for the shout-out Giselle, I'm glad it worked.
As for the archive thing; are you on the new version of blogger? If not I think it will just happen when you switch. I was afraid to switch for a long time because I thought I migth lose things, but it was no big deal. If you have updated already, then I'm afraid I can't help you there. Info on how to switch should be on the blogger homepage or your dashboard.
I'm only a genius when people ask me the right questions. :-)
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