Monday, November 17, 2008

Open bar

When my kids are sick, the rules kind of go out the window. Want juice 5 times a day? OK! Want Popsicles and fruit snacks and applesauce for dinner? OK! Want to watch tv for most of the day? Oh, wait...that's normal.

For Michael this means an open bar at the milk cafe. I HATE sick babies...they are so pathetic and sad...and you can't explain to them why they feel so uncomfortable...and you just can't do much to help them. It's horrible. Michael is just miserable...can't sleep and be left alone for one solitary minute. He just looks at you with those watery eyes pleading for some relief. And the one thing that I can do that always makes him feel better is nurse him. And it really works for him this time around...he is instantly comforted and content. This makes my leash even shorter than usual, but I'm glad I can give him even a little contentedness.

I slept from 11-2 last night. That's it. Lily woke up coughing and grouchy this morning. Michael can not seem to nap...except for 15 minute spurts in my arms now and then. Andrew is doing markedly at least he'll get to go to school. I'm supposed to have book club at my house Wednesday night. Yea, we'll see if the house is clean or not. I literally can't put Michael down for more than 5 minutes (he is sitting on my lap whining at the moment), so that floor just ain't going to get vacuumed...

Anyhoo, enough complaining...this is par for the course with children, so it's just what we do. I'm blessed to have mostly healthy children, so I really should just keep my mouth shut.

So here's question for all of you... Which do you think is better, everyone getting sick at once, or passing it around one at a time? I can see benefits (and lots of detriments) for each, but I'm curious what you think?


Andrea said...

Aw, Joey is sick too! All he has ingested in the last 48 hours is breast milk (straight from the tap of course). I slept a grand total of 8 hours from Friday night to this morning... I am thisclose to my personal breaking point!
Personally I like everyone sick at once! Probably because Rachel just wants to sleep when she is sick and Ryan is more docile when he's sick so it makes taking care if the high needs baby so much easier

d e v a n said...

I hope everyone feels better soon! Everyone here had croup last week. yuk.

CARRIE said...

I don't have a preference so long as the hubby isn't sick. Now THAT is annoying.

Unknown said...

One of the three of us has been sick for the last two months, I think. It is the same thing, and it keeps moving from person to person with a little overlap. If there were an option for all of us to have it for a week and then it will go away for a month or two, I would be in, but I don't think it works that way.

bluedaisy said...

I think the "all at once" is okay as long as both parents don't feel too awful. Hope you are all feeling better soon :)

bluedaisy said...

PS- I am not one for unnecessary medicine for kids but when mine are all stuffy, I think about how MY head feels when I have a cold and I give them some tylenol to alleviate the sinus pressure and help them get comfortable enough to rest. You may already do that- just wanted to share.

Kelsey said...

I second not wanting the husband to be sick -that's the worst. Although sick babies are pretty pathetic. Our Michael is sick again right now.

I think I prefer the children and adults not to be sick at once, but I can manage with two sick children.

Have you called a doctor yet???

Emily said...

I agree that I can handle all the kids sick at once as long as I'm feeling okay myself. But I hate having to care for sick kids when I'm sick - that's the worst.